Ancestor's Realm

Clara opened her eyes and saw a beautiful land full of flowers, it's like a wonderland, so beautiful and could make a person tear up.

The beautiful greenry of plants with their various colors of flowers on each of their tops make her feel excited.

'Where am I?' she asked herself.


"Can anyone hear me? hello?" Clara shouted out loud, looking around.

"Clara? is that you?" she heard a familiar voice from behind her.

She turns toward the direction of the voice and saw her dead grandmother, looking the same as when she died, dressed in a floral gown that reached down, kissing the floor.

"Grandma?" she runs toward the woman and hug her.

"How have you been child?" she asked, hugging her back. 

"I'm fine." pulling back, she looks around, her eyes glowing like a little kid surrounded by candy.

"Where are we, grandma? what is this place?" She asked.

"This is your ancestor's realm," her grandma replied

"Ancestors realm? what does that mean?" she asked looking confused.

"Being a guardian we didn't get to live a peaceful life on earth  and didn't get to focus much on our loved ones. A long time ago, your ancestors felt it's unfair being alone in their lifetimes and afterlife, so they make a request to the almighty to grand them a better afterlife, where they can reunite with their loved ones, and here we are sweetheart." her grandma explained.

"Oh my god! such a thing exist?" Clara asked looking astonished.

"Yes, my dear," her grandma replied

"Where is mom?" Clara asked, looking around happily, but when her gaze returns to her grandma; she saw the sadness in the woman's eyes. "what's wrong?" she asked.

"It's about your mom. Actually, this realm was meant for guardians who carried out their responsibility accordingly." her grandma said looking unhappy. 

"Didn't mom fought Gregory and got defeated by him?" Clara asked.

"It's not that simple child. His strength cannot be compared to ours. He succeeded in killing every one of us by using different tricks, like targeting our other piece before we bond or taking on the appearance of our loved ones to sneak attack. He's a tricky being, but your mom case is different." Grandma said.

"How?" Clara asked.

"Your mom did not have much interest in all this, she just wanted to live a peaceful life with the man she loves. She believes she wouldn't take up the role as long as I lived, she put her faith in me, she believed I could end Gregory's life and put a stop to all this."

She stopped, running her hand through Clara's  hair. Clara could see the pain in the woman's eyes.

"When she got married to your father she discovers her other piece to be your father's best friend. The two become friends and lived peacefully, but everything changed when Gregory defeated me," she sighed and continued.

"The role of the guardian immediately became hers. She has no choice but to accept her faith but didn't know how to explain to your father, so she decided to quickly get rid of Gregory and continued living her life peacefully with you and your dad.

She made her way to your father's friend's house. Getting there, she explained everything to him. Even though it sounds unbelievable to normal ears; our other piece will feel it in their heart that it's true.

After some  proofs, he believed her completely and ask how he could help. Your mom was in a hurry to make the bond, so she told him he only needs to follow her lead.

Making  the bond and awakening a guardian's full power; there are only two ways. If you managed to befriend him; the bond will be sealed by blood.

If he is your lover the bond will be sealed by sexual intercourse.

Because of this; many of us prefer to befriend our other piece cause if it's the other way around, we won't be able to have sex with him until we are ready to confront Gregory.

They both took a knife and sliced each other's palm, then entangled their hand to seal the bond. Unfortunately, your father happened to be paying his friend a visit and caught them in the act. Looking at his wife and his best friend so close to each other alone in his house holding hands; he felt betrayed.

The two quickly released each other, not

completing the bonding. As your mom tried to explain to your father that it's not what he is thinking; your father shut the door and went away. He knew if he stayed much longer, he might do something to hurt them.

As your father made his way home, he came across Gregory who senses the hatred, anger and killing intent radiating from his body. He took advantage of his present feeling and turn him into a demon."