Fight her! Fight her!

Clara and Leo were now standing opposite each other. Well she couldn't fight, bit thanks to her powers; she activated her full sense.

Before Leo could stepped in and stop them; L2 has thrown a punch at Clara, which she ducked by stepping aside swiftly. L2 did not give her much chance as he throw kicks and punches at her repeatedly. Clara didn't fight back, she only dodge the attack and within a while she has mastered L2 moves.

Leo was shocked when she suddenly uses L2's moves back on him in a flash. She threw a punch at him, just like he did to her. She followed by taking quick steps towards him, throwing heavy punches and kicks, but was in total control of her emotions, so that she wouldn't accidentally kill the dude.

Before everyone could realise what was happening; L2 was already coughing out blood, while he sat on the floor not being able to stand up. 

Leo's eyes went wide with disbelief, but before he digest what just happened; two more guys step forward and attack Clara, and were dealt with as well. 

The boys got excited and liked her already. They kept approaching her and keep getting their ass kicked, but instead of them to get angry; they were sharing and mocking the ones that has been dealt with until there are none left standing. 

'This woman is not ordinary.' Leo said in his head and look at her in awe. 

"Boss, you should go as well," one of them said.

Leo shot him an annoyed look, 'what does he mean, he expects me to hurt a woman?' he thought, but on second thought, 'Is Clara even considered as a woman right now?' he asked himself. 

The boys will be fine, because they are used to pain. Just like him; they were all people who have gone through some hardship like him, and he saw that Clara did not attack them with all her might, he could see how she held back from hitting too hard when dealing with them, which made him wonder if it was really her doing all that.

Clara was too into the fun that she mistook Leo's glare at his boys as fear and forget something important, "common big boss, don't tell me you are scared of this little girl." she said in a mockery tone.

"Don't spout nonsense!" Leo glared at her.

Clara smirk and raise her brow in a mockingly, "you're scared a girl is gonna kick your ass?" she asked.

"Clara!" Leo called his name. He didn't like how she's talking to her in front of his boys. But the boys aren't concerned about that. They really wanted Leo to give it a shot.

"Common boss, deal with her", L2 said shamelessly, and the rest of the boys also add to it shouting "fight her! fight her! fight her!"

Leo closed his eyes and took a deep breath to control his anger, 'how can these boys be so shameless? a woman just beat them and they could still raise up their head and talk nonsense," he thought.

"The boys are waiting." Clara said and stepped in front of Leo waiting for him to throw a punch so she could master his move and beat him up with it. She really can't wait to kick his ass.

Leo wanted to reject but on second thought, he believed Clara should be okay. The only person aside from him that could beat his boys like she did, was Timothy. For Clara to achieve such a feat, then she should be able to hold against him.

She finally gave in to them. They were in the training base anyway.

Leo faced her and cracked his knuckles, then suddenly throw a punch at her.

Clara realise something was off as she couldn't sense anything "Holy crap! Leo wait!" she shouted.

But it was too late for Leo to retract his hand. He opened his palm, before his blow could meet her face and a big slap landed on Clara's face.

She staggered backwards and held her hand to her face. It hurt so badly, making her sit down on the ground and began shedding tears.