Leo feeling uncomfortable for an unknown reason

Seeing her become obedient, Tim smiled, "I was just kidding." He said.

"Does that mean I can leave?" Clara raised her brow as she asked.

"No you can't." He replied flatly.

As soon as she opened her mouth to say something, they heard footsteps approaching them.

Of course it was Mick, she quickly closed her eyes again, making Tim look at her with a puzzled expression.

"Let me tend to her." Clara heard Mick said as he placed the kits on the table 

'What the heck! O Lord please don't let Tim agree." Clara pleaded internally as beads of perspiration began to form on her forehead.

She only got a slap but they are making it seem like she was hit by a moving truck, and how could she keep on with her act if Mick actually tend to her.

Mick has later discover she's pretending as her long lashes kept shaking, but he wanted to tend to her because Leo made the request.

Immediately he went in to get what Tim asked for, he received a text message from Leo that he should take care of Clara instead of Tim. 


Meanwhile, Leo was back in the training base, looking at his cell phone with a serious expression.

There was a surveillance camera planted inside the mansion to monitor the cleaners, in case they have other motives, but Leo never paid attention to it, as it was Mick's idea, which seem to him like overreacting. 

But he doesn't understand why he felt the urge to check up on Clara and Tim. After contemplating on it for a while, he later decided to do it. 

Watching Tim held Clara back on the couch to stop her from leaving, he didn't like it and quickly imagine Tim applying balm on Clara's face, the thought of them being that close seem to make him feel uncomfortable for an unknown reason.

He remembered how he had felt the urge to press his lips on Clara's earlier, what if Tim felt the same way? the thought popped up and he didn't know why he didn't want that to happen.

So, he quickly text Mick to do it instead.


"Seriously Mick? you want to scare the girl with your face?" Tim asked Mick.

'Yes, I will be so scared, please don't let him.' Clara pleaded in her heart.

"What's wrong with my face?" Mick asked.

Tim rolled his eyes at him, "you should look in the mirror and compare it to mine, and I'm sure you will understand what I mean." he said sarcastically.

"Okay," Mick said not showing any sign of anger at Tim's sarcasm. 

He could see the perspiration on Clara's forehead, and felt it's inappropriate as well. She knew the girl has been avoiding him, but he didn't know what he has done wrong, he remember they just have normal talk, but he's got a lot to do than trying to find out why.

"Since you understand, you can leave now," Tim said as he took a cotton bud and an ointment and move closer to Clara who still has her eyes closed.

Hearing Mick footsteps fade, she opened her eyes, sit up, and breathe a sigh of relief.

Timothy moved closer and examine the mark closely, he frowned hard and wonder how Leo could be so careless, the mark has lines on each of it, it will definitely scar if it was tend to a bit later. 

He gently applied the ointment with the cotton bud.

Clara saw the frown that appear on Tim face and wonder what could make Tim like this, she's sure it wasn't about his flirting toward her, as he seems to be angry about the mark instead, she felt the urge to pry into his memory and find out what made him so against it, but didn't want to use her special ability for such.

She noticed Tim has a sky blue eyes, his hair was low on both sides, while the ones at the centre fall slightly on the low side, with a little side fringe which cover part of his forehead, his nose is pointed and well carved, followed by his thin pink lips.

As she access his facial features, a smile blossomed on her face, and her thoughts drifted to Sonya. 'This is the type of man Sonya address as big catch.' she thought.

Sonya will drool if she could be so close to this beautiful man.

She thought that, It's a pity she doesn't have interest in man, as she wouldn't mind eating up Tim herself. 

Tim was done applying ointment on Clara's face for a while now, and was having a feast on the beauty who seem to be having a feast on his face as well, which was how Clara could see the hue of his face clearly, they have both been staring at each other.

It is when Tim lips curved upward that Clara realised what was going on, their face was so close that, it seem like they are about to kiss.