Still playing hard to get

Clara was once a taxi driver, and all thanks to her ill luck then, she was fired.

She could still remember the annoying reason for her termination at work then. She had picked up a couple, and the husband kept stealing glances at her till they reached their destination, which his wife noticed.

She thought she had escaped it until she ended up picking the same couple three days later.

She was unfortunate to pick them, as the husband did the same, which made the wife reported her to her company that she's seducing her husband. 

She watches the couple argue as they came down from the cab, shouting loudly. The husband claimed he wasn't staring and just looking ahead, but the wife isn't fooled. Even Clara caught the man's stare.

She was warned by the company's manager to never let it repeat itself again, not even giving her the chance to defend herself. They made it seem like she committed a sin, when all she did was drive.

Not long after, she picked up another couple. Thinking about what happen with the previous one, she decided to wear a cold expression to avoid any misunderstanding again, but the cold expression make her look more alluring to the man and he was mesmerized.

The man's wife did not only report her, she ask her to stop the car and even pull at her hair, creating a scene and just like that she was fired for being looked at. 

She couldn't help but get angry at Leo again as the memories played itself in her head.

Seeing her face darkened, Leo, who has been looking at her within the corner of his eyes turned to face her and took a deep breath.

He cleared his throat, "Clara?" he called.

"Yes?" Clara replied expressionlessly.

Leo decided to put dignity aside. He really want this woman to talk to him like she used to, "have I, you know, in anyway done something to offend you?" he asked in a soft tone, sweet to one's hearing.

Without a second thought, "yes." Clara replied.

Hearing this, he felt himself getting impatient, "what is it?" he asked.

"You are not getting that I don't want to talk to you and kept trying to make me talk." Clara said, as his persistent is irritating her.

"Eh!" Leo was stunned. "is that what I did to annoy you?" he asked, feeling disappointed, as he is back to where he begin again.

Clara replied to him, still keeping her gaze on the road, while Ethan's gaze fixated on her side profile. "yes it is." she replied.

He sighed sadly, "I'm sorry for whatever I must have done to offend you," he said but he didn't receive any reply from her, before finally looking away from her mesmeric side profile.

After dropping him at the company, she went to park the car at the garage and left. 

She has planned to make Leo pay for what he did, but after she watched the news of the dead students, she knew she's the only one that can get the justice the poor  parents kept requesting for.

So she decided to ignore Leo for a while, but later realised her ignoring him is even a better revenge than provoking him, so she kept killing two birds with one stone.

She has devoted most of her time dealing with the demons, and get to see Leo trying to make her talk to him, she felt good and contented. What she didn't know was that not everyone will give a f*ck if she ignored them or not, and Leo's attitude is not ordinary.


Later that night, she was out on her hunt again as her target this time seem strange, he's not like the others, and Clara have this strange feeling like he was observing her. He wasn't like the others that has fell victim and got erased by her.

She was putting on a smokey red jumpsuit, which reveal a lot of skin as usual and has been dancing for a while now. 

She has nearly exhausted all her dance moves, but the demon just kept looking at her without making a single move.


At a certain corner, someone else seem to be looking at her as well. The person seems to be checking for confirmation if she really is the one or not.

After a while, she felt someone closing in behind her. She wanted to rejoice at first, but then, she couldn't detect any demonic energy from the person approaching. 


She heard the familiar voice of Timothy and turned around.

"Tim." she muttered as her eyes widened a bit. 

Oh no!