No wonder you're so spoilt

Leo look into her eyes with a confused expression, not getting her point.

"Did you enjoy it? did you like how I hide and run every time he's around? you find it fun right? that's why you didn't tell me about it right?," Clara bombard him with questions.

Leo finally understood what she's talking about, "I didn't tell you because you didn't ask, and I don't think it's my fault that he got into that mode in the first place," Leo replied flatly.

If he had known that Clara was angry with him over that, he wouldn't have cared much to the extent of pleading with her to forgive him, cause he suffered at Mick's hand as well, and it was Clara who causes it. 

Clara wasn't expecting such a straight answer from him, but she thinks he is still angry that she accused him of feeding her to the mosquitoes. He must be pissed that she think of him so low, to the extent of leaving her outside in the open for them to feed on her skin.