His friend's worries

Leo blinked profusely, expecting to wake up from this crazy dream, but that didn't happen. Clara was sexily walking in front of him, while he's following.

They stepped out of the premises, not that he stepped out of his dream. This is real? she's supernatural?

His head were clouded with different thoughts.


"Her phone has been switched on," one of Tim's boys called to inform him.

"Did you get her location?" Tim asked.

"Working on it already, will send the details to you in five minute." 

"Let it get here within two minutes." Tim said flatly.

"Sir, it's not....," before he finished his sentence, Tim has ended the call.


After walking far away from the house.

Leo finally recalled that they got kidnapped after Clara's abilities has nearly take control of his train of thought, "Let me borrow your phone for a while," Leo said.

Clara gave it to him without looking back, while they kept walking further away from the premises.