I will kill you!

"Clara!" Leo called for the fifth time, slightly raising his voice. 

"What!" Clara yelled back at him and finally turned towards him and flashed him a glare.

"I'm sorry for that." Leo apologised.

Clara ignored him.

Her mind drifted to the kiss they shared and the feeling of being in his embrace. The thought that another woman got the chance doesn't sit well with her. 

It annoys her. 

Leo saw that his words were not getting to her and turned the car around after getting to a turning spot. 

He was happy that Clara seemed bothered this time that another woman got close to him, but he wouldn't let that make her change her new attitude back to the old one. 

He's happy now and didn't want it to slip from his grasp. 

Clara looked around, knowing quite well that they were not heading to the direction of her house. 

"Where are you taking me? I want to go home." Clara said, frowning at him.