I can't lose him oh God! I can't!

"What!" Leo exclaimed, as if he couldn't believe what he just heard. 

"Belle just called me." Clara said, her expression looking like that of a worried person. 

She watched him let out a sharp breath and turned around immediately. He began walking towards his car like he was being controlled. 

Clara took quick steps and caught up with him before he could start the car. 

She reached out her hand inside the car through the window and held his hand and watched him look up at her like a dummy. It was like he wasn't Leo anymore. 

His gaze looked lost. It was like he was staring at her but not looking at her. He looked like a mess. 

"Let me drive, please." She said, looking scared because she has never seen him like this. 

Leo came down and went straight toward the shotgun seat, not uttering a word, while her eyes followed his movement. 

The man that still hugged her a few minutes ago and claimed that he was happy. Who on earth did this?