Kiss me

Ella stared at him, tongue tied.

She did not know what to say.

She had no idea how to tackle that. 

To top it all, Reuben's eyes carried a deep sincerity in it. 

His eyes looked so pleading and full of hope.

She couldn't believe that he could be so foolish to fall in love with her that day. 

Reuben continued staring into her eyes. He felt his throat dried up and the urge to seal her lips with his own, got stronger. 

"You know what? I really want to kiss you now, but I would hold the urge till you decide to give me a chance." Reuben said, raising his left hand, while continuing to support his weight on his right one, to maintain his towering above her. 

He pushed aside the hair that had covered a fair part of her face after toppling her over and softly ran his finger down her cheeks, before descending to rubbing it on her lower lip softly.