Mom..... I tried sex

She gasped at the pain. Her fold tightening around his length so firmly.

It was after then that he realized what they have just done.

Tears were already falling from her eyes.

"Hey, Belle I'm so sorry." He said and quickly let himself out, making her even winced again, but he stopped when he saw the blood stain, signifying what he just took.

She just lost her virginity.

She was still sobbing softly.

He rushed up on his feet and pulled up his trouser, moving to pull her up from the floor.

All the urge, tension and lust vanished like he was rid of possession.

"Belle I'm so sorry. I should have stopped. I got too carried away and hurt you." His eyes were also filled with tears now.

She was silent, still feeling the aftermath of his penetration.

"Belle, talk to me. If there's anything you want me to do to make it up, I will do it. I'm so sorry." He pleaded.