My cute kitty become a tigress

The interview went well.

Actually, it went so well that Belle felt like the guy wasn't even interested in all he's asking.

Instead, he was staring at her. The stare was so intense that Belle felt it to be odd, but soon, the interview came to an end.

"We will get back to you, Annabelle." He said and Belle straightened her shoulders and looked into his eyes.

"Sir, I can assure you that I am perfect for this job. I will give it my all and you won't be disappointed." Belle assured him, scared that if she did not put an addition of words as persuasion, he wouldn't consider her.

"OK." He said with a soft smile.

Belle gave him a confused look.

The way he looked at her was as if he was evaluating gold. Already knew the quality, but further feeding his eyes on the luxury.

"OK? Like okay that you will consider me?" She asked with hopeful eyes and he smiled softly.