It hurts

Gail's face pale at her revelations.

Maybe due to how she table the word to him, he didn't feel the anger and the killing intent he felt while he assumed she and Michael were together.

His head dropped in front of him and he could already feel his eyes stung with tears.

He really loves this woman so much, to the extent that he couldn't even bring himself to feel angry at her or try to think of anything mischievous to attempt later.

He just felt this urge to see her happy.

And if he couldn't….

Not that he couldn't, but it seems if he forces her to be with him, he will only make her sad.

He didn't want that, yet he felt that Michael does not deserve her. He gave her insecurities and made her cry.

And then he recalled that all her tears all these few weeks was because of him, not Michael.

He did the same thing he wanted to save her from.

He looked up at her and realized that she was looking at him.