Red-clad lady

Shooting started in the afternoon. There were many shots to take for the promotional content.

Anna arrived on set early. This was the first time she walked inside Mo Group. The building was very tall and the space inside so large that one could even play football inside. The workers were very professional and they spoke to people coming in with respect.

Anna went to the lobby and greeted, "Hello, my name is Anna Lee and I am here for a shoot. I was told to go to room 505, could you please direct me to where that is?"

The secretary working there smiled politely, "Room 505 is the studio room. You will take an elevator to the twentieth floor; the first door on your right is room 505."

Anna said her thanks and walked to the elevator. Behind her, the secretary was very excited. She quickly took out her phone and sent a text in the company's group chart, "Guys, you will not believe who just came in! General Rong in the flesh!"