

Anna moved down the streets at a fast speed. Her car left dust flying back and the knuckles gripping the steering wheel already turned white. Just who did that father of hers think he was, after all, wasn't she her daughter too?

Why was it easy for him to refuse to have Julia be the bride and term it as an opportunity for her. With the reputation, Karl Chen had was this not delivering her to her death?

She was so lost in thought that she did not notice the car ahead of her. When she came to, she realized she had hit the other car and the damage was pretty visible.

She unconsciously stared outside and saw a man dressed impeccably in a blue suit staring at her from the windshield. His face was cold yet he still held a helpless smile. Anna walked out slowly toward him, apologies at the tip of her tongue.

"I am so sorry...I am so sorry...I am so sorry"

she repeated the words over a dozen times as she bowed respectfully every time. Her eyes stared at the place where the two cars made contact and she almost screamed in agony, there was contact Indeed but there were no visible damages yet the man started politely.

"Miss, you just crashed into our car"

Anna stared at the car he had just crashed into but could not find any harm done to the car.

She looked sideways and said silently so the man could not hear "Where is the crash? show me it" yet when she turned around, her face was still full of apologies.

What she did not know was that inside the car, another man was sitting and when he heard her speak and he even chuckled lightly as though amused.

Anna did not really know what to do in this situation but still respectfully told the other.

"How about we let the insurance company come and settle this?"

This was indeed the best solution yet the man looked like he could not have any of it and said "How about you give me your contact information and then we'll call you about the compensations.

The muddle-headed Anna thought that this was another good solution so she gave it out without much and only remembered what was wrong after the car had whooshed away.

"Did I just give out my information?"



"You have really gotten gutsy these days"

Zhou Feng shivered after hearing the voice.

The voice was slightly cold yet still held a hint of playfulness. He stared at the rear view mirror and saw a sight he had never seen since he started working for the man sitting in the back seat, Mu Xing was smiling. Before he could explain himself, Mu Xing spoke once more.

"Hand it over."

Zhou Feng already knew what his boss meant, it was the contact details for the woman who had just crashed into their car a little while ago.

A while later he heard him say, "Interesting"

The car moved slowly towards the airport. When he heard the 'interesting' earlier, Zhou Feng could not help but ask, "Boss, do you know that woman?"

The way his boss was acting was beyond strange. He was already twenty-five yet no news of him being entangled with a woman could be heard and he had also not seen him get in contact with any females.

Mu Xing stared at the name on the paper after he had heard the question. He did not know why but he felt that he knew who she was. the feeling lingered after hearing her words earlier, it gave him a sense of de ja Vu but where he heard the words he could not recall.

This was a matter to ponder about later but right now, they were already at the airport. He was traveling to Country Y for business and it would take a long time. before boarding the plane he stared back one last time in spite of himself,

"Anna Lee, see you."

Zhou Feng who was on the other side and had just heard these words could not help but chime in

"Sir, this time, you are going for a long time."


"Who knows."