

"Now only the female lead is remaining, where the hell is that witch?" Feng Anxi said under his breath. Travis' lips which had just rested twitched again when he heard this comment.

The crowd was growing impatient and only ten minutes were remaining before the conference officially began. Feng Anxi was anxiously moving about in his sit.

The fans on Letschat app who were watching live also seemed impatient with one phrase crowding the whole comment section. Many had guessed their own while others refuted and with simple words, an online war began.

With this war came more viewers, the numbers almost reaching a million.

Just when everyone's curiosity was at its peak, the door opened once more and whoever looked once could not look back.

"Who is that?" A comment passed by the live feed.

One reporter stared in awe and mouthed, "My mum! I have never seen such a…such a…" he could not continue yet the end of that sentence was already on the people's minds; 'never seen such a beautiful person!'

At the door stood a girl, her raven hair flowing down past her waist. There were no other accessories to complement it yet it flowed to such perfection.

Her face was covered in mild make-up. Her eyes were big and not in a scary way, a stare would feel like she was looking at the depths of your soul. Her lips were painted blood red as the color on her dress.

The dress she wore accentuated her curves and outlined her long, slim legs.

To top it all off, the dress was backless and in everyone's view was slender physic, and smooth skin in the shade of ivory, and at the side was a slit that ended just a little above the knees.

No one spoke for a long time and just stared in awe.

On the podium, Feng Anxi's mouth was agape and Lillian's face was completely devoid of any color. Her nails dug deep into her palms leaving ghastly wounds while her body was shivering.

She remembered how Anna had promised her the female lead role in this movie. She stared in Harry's direction and found that he was staring at Anna too, just like everybody else.

Julia Lee's face was not any better.

Anna walked up the steps. Every step she took made it seem as though she was floating on air.

She arrived at the podium, said hello to the costars, flashed Travis a smile then sat down in the seat meant for the female lead.

Her actions were done in quick succession. The camera shutters increased tenfold. The lights they produced were blinding yet she was calm amidst all of the gazes.

When the reporters gained their wits, they shot question after question.

One reporter asked; 'Are you the female lead for 'Lost In The City?'

Another asked; 'The dress you are wearing, who is the designer?'

Another chimed in; 'That dress looks like the latest collection of Italian designer Rudolfo, is that true?'

After hearing this question, murmurs began spreading around. Everyone who worked in the media knew who Rudolfo was, an ace Italian designer who only appeared once in a blue moon. His clothes were very expensive and most of them were worn by international celebrities.

Everyone started seeing Anna in a new light. Their gazes were full of admiration, others envy while others contempt.

The envy and contempt came from beside her. She turned her head and received glares from the two women who sat further away from her.

She flashed a light smile towards their direction then turned her head around to speak, her voice echoing mildly,
