Best Actress


Anna Lee left in anger. Her beautiful brows constricted every now and then. She could not believe the audacity Harry Lu had.

If it was back then, she could have answered every question without fault but it seems Harry Lu was forgetting something, the past Anna and the present one were two different people.

The time had already gone so she could not go back home and freshen up. Anna Lee decided to go straight to the hotel where the dinner was to be held.

When she reached there, most of the people had arrived. Director Zheng stood at the corner conversing with the screenwriter, Cheng Xingli. When the latter saw her, he motioned her over.

Anna trotted over. Half of her anger had already evaporated on her way to the hotel and her mood further increased when she saw the beaming face of Director Zheng and Chen Xingli.

"Xiao Lee, you did really well today." Director Zheng started as soon as she got closer. His face was slightly flushed from all the alcohol he had been drinking but the smile on his face was genuine. Anna thanked him and then greeted Chen Xingli.

The screenwriter was no more than thirty or thirty-one years of age. She looked twenty-something. A smile was plastered on her face as she greeted Anna with enthusiasm, "Xiao Lee ah! I enjoyed your performance today. If you keep this up you might just get the best actress award at the film awards."

Anna stilled. These words were quite huge. The people she was not related to were supporting her so enthusiastically whereas her blood relatives did not want anything to do with her.

Her anger from speaking to Harry Lu dissipated like smoke in the air. She clasped Cheng Xingli's hands and said earnestly, "I will make sure not to let your dream down." Her tears were about to gush out but she held them back with all her might.

Cheng Xingli smiled then said, "Okay" Anna talked to them for a while and then left. Both Director Zheng and Cheng Xingli watched her back as she left. Cheng Xingli smiled softly then sighed, "This child…."

Her sentence was not completed yet Director Zheng understood. He too smiled softly.

Lillian Ye who was on the other side and she heard every bit of their conversation. Her face was clouded in anger. If Anna Lee had not taken the female lead role from her, she should have been the one being praised right now.

She did not know what Anna Lee had done to her during the shoot but thinking about it made her gnash her teeth in anger. She turned towards the assistant on the side and whispered, "Did you get what I asked you to?" her tone was filled with malice.

The assistant by her side smiled, "Don't worry, I have already arranged everything."

Lillian Ye smiled. Her calculative eyes smiled evilly, "Heh! Anna, I want to see how you will get out of this trap I have set for you."

Anna on the other hand was mingling with the others feeling quite happy. The words Chen Xingli said hit the sweetest spot in her heart and she could not help but smile while swallowing drink after drink.

Feng Anxi who was standing on the other side talking to others frowned when he saw her drinking so much. He moved to her and then snatched the drink from her hand. Anna Lee complained profusely, "What are you doing?"

Her speech was slurred and her mannerisms were especially cute. The people around them laughed lightly while Feng Anxi turned her around in another direction to put some sense inside her head. "You are drinking way too much yet you are in the lion's den, who knows what that Lillian Ye will try to do."

These words woke Anna up completely. "I have really drunk too much; watch her for me while I go to the bathroom to spray some water on my face." Feng Anxi smiled in disdain, was she making him her watchman now?

He watched as Anna made her way to the bathroom but looked away when he caught something in his peripheral view. Lillian Ye was acting suspicious and when he looked towards where she was looking, he noticed that she was motioning toward a waiter and the two were speaking with signs.

Feng Anxi understood immediately what she was trying to do. He laughed lightly while wondering,

'So people still use cheap tricks like these?'