Isn't that Lin Yufan?


Anna Lee slept with her stomach on the bed while her legs dangled up. Her hands were holding her phone as she scrolled through the latest entertainment news.

There was nothing really interesting that had been reported.

She noticed that her photo from the day of the conference was still up and above was a caption that read, {NEWBIE ACTRESS IMPRESSES THE CROWD AT THE CONFERENCE FOR LOST IN THE CITY}

In the comment section, the fans were still struggling to identify who she was and her lips lifted at their efforts.

She had initially thought that Lillian Ye would use this chance to smear dirt on her name but the other did not. She did not know what the other was planning but the reason for her not releasing anything about her identity was simple, Lillian Ye was afraid of the wrath of the people. After all, she was the one who had gotten in between a couple and even stole someone's fiancée away!

If this news leaked out in any way possible, then the netizens would feel sorry for Anna and this would make her popularity soar, Lillian did not want this at all!

Anna continued to scroll through the news and a headline caught her eye. The headline was accompanied by explicit photos. The headline read, {ACTRESS LIN YUFAN CAUGHT IN A TRYST WITH SOMEONE's HUSBAND!!}

The photos that were put on the internet were highly explicit. It was as if the photographer was inside the room when the two were in the act.

Anna looked at the piece of news and felt as if the name was very familiar. Lin Yufan was a name that was currently making headlines in the entertainment industry. Her movies were loved by many and her social media following was about ten million.

Many were speculating that she was the one who would be crowned the best actress this year.

Her rise to stardom had been steady and smooth sailing but there were others who had speculated that she had someone in the background that was helping her. In the industry, this was common. Some actors and actresses had made it big by following the unspoken rules of the industry and Lin Yufan was no exception.

The big boss she had been photographed in bed with was the vice president of a small entertainment company called PLUM ENTERTAINMENT. His name was Li Dong. Although it was small, many famous actors and actresses were managed by them.

Lin Yufan was also one of the artists under them. This scandal meant that her career in the entertainment industry was as good as done. The unspoken rules were only on your side when you were not caught but when you got caught, they would turn sharply against you.

Lin Yufan on the other hand stood at the entrance of PLUM ENTERTAINMENT with her manager. She covered her face with a cloth and under her eyes were huge sunglasses. Even from the glasses, one could still see the huge bags underneath her eyes.

Her photos and videos had spread like wildfire. Back then she did not know that she was being filmed. Li Dong, who was the man in the videos with her, had turned her back away from her the moment the news got out and he had also switched off his phone so she could not get to him no matter how much she tried.

She stopped at the entrance but was pushed away by the guard outside. With this push, she fell down the steps in a humiliating way and the cover on her head came undone. Her face was now in the view of the passersby.

"What do you think you are doing?" The assistant screamed as she went over to help Lin Yufan. The guard only scoffed and said, "Do you think that this is a place where anyone can enter?"

The assistant was flabbergasted, "Who is anyone? She is an artist under Plum entertainment so why can she not enter?"

The guard looked at her as if she was dirt on the ground, "What artist? Her contract was terminated a while ago so she has no business coming here again!"

His voice was quite loud, and everyone passing by stopped to look at the altercation.

"You…you…" the assistant could not form any words. She could not believe these people. When Lin Yufan was famous they were even willing to go down on their knees in front of her but now that everything went south, even a mere guard was looking down on her.

The assistant had just turned when she heard someone say behind her,

"Yo! Isn't that Lin Yufan?"