First Kiss

Mo Xing looked up sharply. His eyes searched for hers through the dim lights. He was looking for some sort of assurance that she meant what she said. Just before his doubts got the better of him he heard her say one more time,

"Hurry up or get out."

He jumped in slowly, careful not to hurt her. His motions were gentle, and Anna smiled. Both of them looked up at the ceiling.

The air around them was not constrictive at all but gentle.

Each of them had different thoughts but it did not stop both of them from smiling widely.

"Thank you."

Anna began slowly. Mo Xing listened, smile disappearing all of a sudden, there was something he still had to take care of. The people who hurt her had still not paid for what they did!

"I have known hate all my life and I can say now that I have felt all the extents hate can make people do but this is also the first time in my life that someone has ever come to my rescue and for that, I am eternally thankful."