BONUS - (Love of my life)

Anna was tired from filming. The action sequences were taking a heavy toll on her. Mo Xing watched her sleeping but her discomfort was pronounced.

Mo Xing's gaze softened as he admired Anna's serene face in her sleep.

Despite the exhaustion and discomfort, she was experiencing from her demanding filming schedule, her beauty remained undeniable.

He couldn't help but be captivated by the delicate features that adorned her face.

With a gentle touch, Mo Xing brushed the stray strands of hair away from Anna's forehead, revealing her smooth and radiant skin.

He found himself drawn to the vulnerability that she displayed in her slumber, reminding him of the strength and resilience she possessed during her waking moments.

As he observed her peaceful expression, a surge of tenderness welled up within him.

He silently wished for her to find rest and rejuvenation, knowing that her well-being was of utmost importance.