Bad acting

Anna cooked two steaming bowls of dumpling soup. The soup was rich and thick as well. As soon as Mo Xing took one sip, his face was a picture. He looked up towards Anna and smiled, "This is very delicious."

Anna blushed and dropped her head close to the bowl. The steam hit her face and made her flushed face redder. Mo Xing noticed the stray hair that was threatening to drop into her bowl and moved it away. His fingertips grazed her temple and it sent shivers down her spine.

Anna looked up all wonderful and beautiful and Mo Xing could not help but tease her, "You look so beautiful."

Anna coughed and said nothing. The food was eaten in perfect harmony. The rain started outside which made the ambience even more harmonious. Anna looked outside and then turned to Mo Xing, "I really love the rain!"

Her excited face filled Mo Xing's gaze and he smiled in spite of himself, "Do you want to watch it…together?"

Anna looked towards him in excitement, "Really?"