Your bad acting

The proposition was excellent and it went with General Rong's expectations yet right now things were a bit different. She had someone she fancied and it would be a stupid move marrying the emperor's daughter. She smiled suddenly; her handsomeness almost blinded the emperor himself.

General Rong shook her head, "There is no need for that my king. This humble general already has someone who is looking after my house. Princess Jiao'er will only suffer if she marries someone like me."

His implication was clear yet the air around the emperor became hostile, "Are you saying you don't want to marry my daughter even if I give her to you?"

General Rong suddenly became nervous, "Not at all, my King. Your daughter may already have someone she fancies and I am a general after all. If I die on the battlefield she will become a widow at such an early age. My heart bleeds for her."

She had on the most sorrowful of expressions that hit the emperor's chest.