Born to love her

Tang Wei and Anna walked hand in hand out of the supermarket after Anna had finished buying all the things she needed. She was curious so she asked, "Mom, how come you are here?"

Tang Wei looked at her, "I was headed home when I saw you by the roadside. I then saw you enter here so I thought I could give you a surprise."

Anna smiled, "I came to get ingredients to prepare supper, I did not know I would meet those women back there."

Tang Wei was suddenly serious, "Anna, how do you know that woman back there? I heard her say something about her son, what is it?"

Anna was silent for a while. She did not know if it was okay to tell the mother of your boyfriend about your ex-boyfriend but honesty was key so she told her anyway, "I was dating her son, Harry Lu but he did not show up at our wedding day and even got together with my then best friend."

Tang Wei looked very mad, "That stupid boy! How could he do such a thing to you?"