The gala (Part Four)

Zhou Feng walked over once again, "Thank you so much, sir. Now it is time to hear from our very able, very handsome and very charismatic chairperson. My boss and sometimes friend, Mr. Mo Xing."

The crowd laughed but they still clapped.

Mo Xing stood up and in an instant, every gaze was on him…

The room fell into a hushed reverence as Mo Xing rose to his feet. His tall and commanding figure exuded an aura of charisma and authority, captivating the attention of every person in attendance. With every step he took, the elegance of his presence only seemed to grow, and the anticipation in the room reached its zenith.

Zhou Feng's introduction, laced with humour and admiration, was met with laughter and applause from the audience. It was clear that they held immense respect and affection for Mo Xing, who was not only their chairman but also, as Zhou Feng had hinted, a charismatic and influential figure.