Bring her to me

Mo Xing stood up immediately. He held her hands tightly, "Is there anywhere painful, Anna?" Mo Xing asked anxiously, concern etched across his face. He had been worried sick, and now that Anna was awake, he couldn't help but feel a wave of relief washing over him.

Anna winced a little, her eyes adjusting to the surroundings. "Everywhere," she admitted with a weak smile. "But I guess that's expected, right?"

Mo Xing chuckled softly, a mixture of emotions playing on his face. "You scared me, you know? Taking a bullet for me..."

Anna's gaze softened as she squeezed his hand. "I'd do it a hundred times over if I had to, Mo Xing. You mean everything to me."

He leaned in, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead. "You mean everything to me too, Anna. I'm just glad you're okay, just…never again, okay?"

Anna wanted to nod but she was still feeling pain everywhere in her body so she only chose to answer with her eyes