Red carpet

Zhang Fei and Bobo had managed to salvage the dress by using safety pins. By the time Anna went back to her room, the dress had already been hung up. Despite the earlier chaos, Anna felt a sense of relief seeing the dress back in one piece, albeit with makeshift repairs. Zhang Fei and Bobo had worked diligently to make it presentable, and Anna couldn't help but appreciate their efforts.

Zhang Fei grinned, "It's not perfect, but it's the best we could do with the limited time. You'll look stunning, Anna, don't worry."

Bobo nodded enthusiastically, "Yes, yes! And who cares about the other dress anyway? You'll shine brighter than anyone at the premier no matter what!"

Anna smiled at their supportive words, grateful for having such dedicated friends. She changed into the reconstructed dress, and as she looked at herself in the mirror, she felt a renewed determination.