Complete destruction

Shen Mimi stared at where the sound was coming from but she could still not see the person. There was a cold air emanating from that place. Zhe Fu quickly turned to look at her. there was fear in his eyes as well.

He had been called out in the middle of the night to attend many meetings regarding all that was happening and he had not even had time to clean up. He was just about to relax when he suddenly got a mysterious call to meet the man behind the blinds early in the morning and he had asked him to bring Shen Mimi along.

He did not know what the intentions of the other were but Zhe Fu was even scared of coming to this meeting in the first place but ever since he came in, the man had not spoken and this was the first time he was reacting.

The man suddenly opened the blinds and an impeccable face was revealed. Mo Xing's chiselled jaw was very