Not even once

Dinner was served as soon as the three of them sat down. Anna and Mo Xing sat opposite Zhou Ling. The waiters and waitresses were very efficient and soon, there was a large spread of various types of foods. Anna looked at the food and wondered just who was going to finish all of it.

Zhou Ling noticed her expression and laughed, "I know you are not used to such, Miss Lee…" There was a mocking undertone that didn't pass Anna. She simply smiled and said nothing.

The lack of attention made Zhou Ling very angry but she did not express it in front of Mo Xing. Anna looked at the spread and noticed a trend, all of these foods were quite suited to Mo Xing's taste.

She looked at them, smiled and said nothing.

Zhou Ling was really going all out now.

Mo Xing studied the table, "Anna does not eat crayfish, she does not eat carrots and celery. Get them out of the table!"