Jar of vinegar back home

After acquiring her father's company, Anna was now very wealthy. She could now do all the things she had always wanted to do and it was very easy mobilizing people who could help her deal with the situation Feng Anxi was in.

Mo Xing had introduced to her some men who were very efficient investigators and Anna told them what she needed and they immediately got to work.

Feng Anxi really moved in to an empty house next to them and even came in for food every night. Anna was already tired from her work when she had another child to feed at home.

Feng Anxi's face was very innocent when he walked in, "What is for dinner tonight?"

Anna exhaled, "Don't you have anything better to do? You are really wearing me out!" She complained.

Feng Anxi did not feel guilty at all, "Then do you want me to eat poisoned food? I that how much you wish to see me dead?

Anna almost slapped him, "Then you should pay for the food! You are just here to freeload!"