Touch her and see what will happen

Feng Anxi was a very easygoing person and it was very rare to see him mad. His handsome face always held the hint of a soft smile and his features were often lit up. He interacted with everyone happily and he did not get mad easily.

The Feng Anxi right now was far from the one people knew. His smile had disappeared from his face and his features looked very mature. There was a small frown settling on his lips and his eyes had also changed.

He spoke once more, this time, his voice was very chilly, "What do you think you are doing here?"

Anna and Bobo did not know what was going on because Feng Anxi had been laughing and making jokes but that side of him was nowhere to be seen right now.

Lao Li on the other had looked up and his mood changed just like Feng Anxi's. he echoed Feng Anxi's question, "What is Young Master Feng doing here?"

Anna looked up and Bobo was surprised as well, young master Feng?

Who was he?