Golden Award nominations

After her call with Bella had ended, Anna received another call from Director Zheng. They had not spoken much ever since the film ended and they had wrapped up all promotional activities.

Director Zheng's fatherly voice reached her ears, "Xiao Lee, how have you been?"

Anna sat in an upright position and put the scripts on the side, "I have been fine, just busy but fine."

Director Zheng did not waste time, "The nominations are on and I have heard that our film has received about six nominations but I still don't know the categories. Keep your antenna high, I really think you have received a nomination!"

Anna's hand on the phone froze for a good second, "Director, you really think I got a nomination already?"

Director Zheng knew the ins and outs of the industry and he was also quite known. He had won the Golden Award for Best Director twice so this information was as good as gold.