I will teach him a lession

Mo Xing always felt that there was something very wrong with the people in his family. His parents were overly affectionate even in front of him and his grandparents were weird speakers.

He did not know how he, such a refined gentleman, had genes of such people. Mo Hua Ling gently held his wife as soon as he saw her and said, "Darling, what should we give our precious granddaughter when we see her late?"

Mo Xing's grandmother, Lan Chen, smiled, "I will definitely give her the Beautiful Flowers palace and also a couple of cars that I own, I have never really driven any of them. I also want to have her some stores that I own. As I get older, I don't want to handle such difficult things so I will dump it all on her oh! and I have a few plots of land that…"

she went on and on because of excitement. Just like Mo Xing's parents, his grandparents also never believed that Mo Xing would one day get a girlfriend so this was like a sigh of relief for both of them too."