She pushed me

Before Anna could react, Jin Yan had already fallen into the pond with a loud splash. Her hands started flailing around and her body gradually sank right in front of Anna's very eyes.

There was a commotion as many people started running towards the pond. Anna was stupefied as she watched someone dive into the pond to try and rescue Jin Yan.

Jin Yan's mother also came rushing while wailing loudly, "Oh my god, that's my daughter, please save my daughter!"

Her wails were so loud that even the people who were a bit far from the pool came running over.

Anna was surprised by the sudden turn of events and she was also shocked to see an unconscious Jin Yan being fished out of the water.

Her dress was completely drenched and her hair cling to her face making her look very pitiful. Her breath came out in shallow strokes while her hand lay limp by the side.

This scene caused fear to get into the guests who had only come to have a good time.