Sinister plans

The threat hung in the air, a chilling promise of retribution. Mo Xing's actions were a stark departure from his usual composed demeanor, revealing the depths of his protective instinct for Anna.

As the seconds ticked by, Mo Xing maintained his grip, a silent message that the line had been drawn. The storm that had been brewing had now erupted into a tempest, and the consequences of this violent confrontation would reverberate through the intricate web of relationships, alliances, and power dynamics that had defined their world.

Just when Jin Yan thought she was going to die, Mo Xing let go of her. Jin Yan dropped on the floor and gasped for air, her hands instinctively going to her throat. The room, which had been filled with tension and dread, fell into an eerie silence. The abrupt release of Mo Xing's grip left a lingering tension, and Jin Yan lay on the floor, shaken and gasping for breath.