Back to work

Anna could now safely return to work without any problems as Mo Xing had already handled everything for her. She met Bobo in the morning and the two of them had breakfast and then it was time to go back to the company.

Anna was going to see for the very first time the new Mo Entertainment building and she was very excited aboutt it.

Bobo exclaimed happily as soon they got inside the car, "I really can't believe we are going back to work without any problems!"

Anna smiled, "Me too!"

It seemed strange. Everything had happened so fast that they could not truly wrap their heads around all that happened in that short while.

Bobo had been kidnapped, Anna had gone hell and back and their friends were subjected to emotional distress.

As soon as Anna stepped inside the new Mo Entertainment office, someone tackled her into a tight hug! The person was none other than Lin Yufan!