Fake meets Real

The fake Anna's heart pounded in her chest as she struggled to find the words to express the whirlwind of emotions raging within her. Her gaze darted between Mo Xing and the server, her mind racing to make sense of the scene unfolding before her.

Mo Xing's expression remained impassive, his eyes locked on the server with an intensity that sent a chill down the fake Anna's spine. She felt a surge of jealousy bubbling up within her, a primal instinct to protect what she believed was rightfully hers.

But as she looked closer, her breath caught in her throat, her eyes widening in shock and disbelief. Standing before her was not just any server, but the real Anna herself, her face twisted in a mixture of confusion and betrayal.

The fake Anna's mind reeled as she struggled to comprehend the implications of what she was seeing. How could this be possible? How could Mo Xing betray her like this, with the woman she had been trying so desperately to replace?