Mo Xing project 1

Anna stared at the photos in her hands for a very long time. She could not believe what she was seeing. The Fake Anna's box had some words written on it. Some words were in a language Anna did not understand while the others were written in the language she understood.

The words were, "MO XING PROJECT 1"

The photos inside were all Mo Xing's and at different stages of his life. There was one of him as a baby and a recent one taken at a function he had attended the previous week. All of these brought chills down Anna's spine!

She took out her phone and made a call to Mo Xing. Once it was connected, her anxious voice came said, "Baby!"

Her heart was beating way too fast and she could not imagine just what these people were planning to do to Mo Xing!

The Madam had told her just a few minutes ago that Mo Xing had destroyed her life and tat she hated him to the core.