Someone impersonated her!

Anna was slightly surprised. She had seen the Diary herself and the madam had indicated that the contract signing did not take place that fateful day and the aftermath was the death of her whole family and the destruction of the business they had worked so hard to build.

"The Yang Family did not sign the contract with Mo Group that day. If the contract was signed then who was it that signed it?"

Anna asked curiously.

Mo Xing quickly went over the document once again. This was his first contract so he remembered it pretty well,

"Two people came in that day. One was a man, late thirties and the other was a woman and she was Yang Mi! If the people were not the real ones then they must have impersonated Yang Mi and their representatives!"

Anna nodded. This was a possibility that could not be overlooked. Someone must have impersonated Yang Mi and signed the contract on her behalf.