What are you afraid of

Jiang Fu Lei woke up a while later. His whole body ached as if he had been hit by several bricks yet it also felt like he was floating at the same time which was very strange.

His dazed eyes cleared and he looked around to see that the room he was in was decorated in bright red ornaments. The sheet under him was silky smooth and it was also in the same red color.

When he felt the sheets was when he realized that he was naked. He felt around his body for a while and then calmed down when he remembered what brought him here.

He looked around and Miss Mo was nowhere to be seen. Instead, there was a note at the stand. Jiang Fu Lei quickly got down and took the letter. He read it slowly, 

"Young Master Jiang, you were so good tonight! I cannot face you after what we did because I am a bit embarrassed but if you feel like this is something that we should do, if you truly want to be with me then next week, during my family's gala, I will be waiting for you."