Together for the first time

The stylist, taken aback by Xuan Zi Yi's outburst, took a deep breath to compose herself before responding. "I understand your frustration, Xuan Zi Yi," she said calmly, her voice tinged with empathy. "But we're here to help you find the perfect outfit that makes you feel confident and beautiful."

Xuan Zi Yi scoffed, her frustration still evident. "Well, you're not doing a very good job of it," she retorted, her tone sharp with irritation.

She then turned to her assistant with the same frustration, "Have you found out what Anna is wearing to the premier yet?"

The assistant shook her head NO and Xuan Zi Yi hurled something towards her!

Is she did not duck in time, the object would have hit her head with force, causing a sharp impact which would result in an injury!

Even after ducking, her forehead was still bruised.