Fix it quickly

Anna smiled and bent down to whisper, "You already have her next to you…Xuan Zi Yi!"

Director Ming's eyes widened then he dramatically walked back to catch his chest, "What…what are you talking about?"

Xuan Zi Yi had promised him a lot of things if he would destroy Anna's reputation today. Of course, having Xuan Zi Yi as his main actress was not such a bad idea but they were business partners after all!

Anna smiled, "Why deny what you clearly want? Anyway, she will be begging you later so don't worry about anything! I will give you what you truly deserve!"

Xuan Zi Yi looked at Anna and sneered. She could not believe that Anna could speak like this after Director Meng asked him to join his film. To some people, this was a humiliation that they could not accept and they would react by getting angry and causing a scene yet Anna had no reaction whatsoever,.

This meant that Xuan Zi Yi's expectations were not met!