I want to invest

Director Fu's gaze was warm just like his smile. Anna felt very safe which was a very strange thing to say.

He was also dressed in a vintage shirt, a design that was produced ten or fifteen years ago. He motioned for Anna to sit and then said, "You have not changed at all, still the bright child I used to know."

Anna looked up sharply, "Do you know me that well?"

She was surprised. No one would say such words if they had not seen the other when she was still young or he knew her from somewhere.

Director Fu nodded, "There was this friend of mine that I had long ago. She is long gone now, you happen to be her daughter."

Anna was shocked, "You knew my mother?"

He nodded, "That was a long time ago. You look so much like her that I was momentarily distracted. Sorry for bringing it up."