I don't feel sorry for you

Anna was truly shocked with the sight of the Madam's full face as this was the first time she was seeing it.

The Madam's face was full of burn marks thag run from one side to the other. One side had been affected more than the other, with deep scars marring her once-beautiful features.

Anna couldn't help but gasp in horror, her hand instinctively reaching to cover her mouth.

The Madam's appearance sent a chill down Anna's spine, and she couldn't tear her gaze away from the woman's disfigured face. It was a stark reminder of the brutality of their world, where beauty was often a facade masking deeper scars.

Despite the shock, Anna managed to maintain her composure.

She held her emotions in and shook her head, "I am not scared of you."

"Then you feel sorry for me?"

The Madam's tears were now gushing out like a waterfall. It was as if something had snapped.