The little ones are also going

Mo Xing's eyes widened in surprise, "Why do you want a background check on your mother?"

Anna was silent for a good while. She did not know why but she had this nagging feeling that everything she knew about her mother was false or was not everything she should know.

Her mother was very secretive and she only found out that she was an actress from Director Fu.

It seems like Chairman Lee was also not aware of her mother's past as an actress because they never spoke about it.

Anna looked at Mo Xing, "I don't know why but I feel like I have to join some dots that are not adding up in my head."

Mo Xing did not know what was going on inside Anna's head but he had to do what she was asking so that she could have some peace of mind!

All these could not have crossed Anna's mind at all were it not for Director Fu.

The only person who could have had a history with her mother was none other than Sharon Fu, Julia's mother and her step-mother.