Darling, i was only greeting my friend!

The fake Anna gritted her teeth, there was no way she knew what Anna was asking. She had never seen the kids before so how could she know?

A reporter jumped in between at the right time to save her, "Why are you asking a woman when her children were born? Isn't that none of your business?"

There was a wave of people nodding their heads when they heard what the reporter said. In their eyes, Anna was the most shameless person they had ever seen!

Anna did not like this turn of events at all!

She looked at the fake Anna, "You still haven't answered me, if they are truly your kids and not mine, when were they born?"

The fake Anna could not believe that Anna was still going on about this even after the wave of criticism she had received. She felt that Anna was getting more and more ridiculous!

"Why would I reveal the age of my children I front of reporters? I want that to stay private!"

Anna almost laughed out loud!