Too beautiful to be real

When Jiang Ming Li heard that there could be evidence against him too, his face changed as he spat towards Yang Mi, "You vile child! What are you talking about?"

Yang Mi laughed, "If I am vile then what are you, satan?"

Being called names made Jiang Ming Li very angry, "Is this how I taught you back then? No matter what, I am still considered your father-in-law so where is your respect?"

Anna was tired of hearing the word, 'respect,' come out of the mouths of these people. They did not deserve it nor were they worthy to even say it in their mouths because they were the opposite of what it meant.

The whole family was weird. It was as if they had come from the pits of hell to torture Yang Mi. They had already taken everything away from her yet they were still asking to be respected?

How dare they?