A very large mosquito!

Anna quickly took the mirror from Li Bobo and saw the large hickey resting silently on her neck. She did not even know it was there since they had done so many things last night!

It was not even tingly to begin with so it was a surprise for her!

She tried to defend herself, "That…a mosquito bit me yesterday night." Her voice was calming and so believable that Bobo almost fell for it but she quickly shook her head to get out of Anna's spell. She scoffed, "What a big mosquito!"

Anna nodded as if she was agreeing with her, "I know, right?"

Bobo almost laughed from disbelief, "Who in their right mind would believe that a mosquito bit you? What is the size of that mosquito, an elephant?"

Anna coughed, "There are some big ones!"

Bobo put her hands on her face in full disbelief now. She said softly after a while, "That is a hickey, Anna, that is not a freaking mosquito bite!"