Those good for nothings!

Tang Wei had only given birth to one son who was Mo Xing and Anna was the lucky lady who managed to capture his heart. There were many ladies vying for that position but he still chose her out of each and every one of them!

Although people were happy for her, deep down, they were feeling very bitter that Anna had stolen their sweetheart away!

What she said was true though. Mo Xing was a very hands-on dad. Ever since he knew that he was a father, he spent every free time with Ning Ning and Ying Ying playing or taking them to their favourite places. 

This enabled Anna to have time to focus on her work!

Tang Wei also loved the kids so much so it was easier to leave them with her instead of leaving them with the nannies!

The reporter who had asked the question looked semi-satisfied with her answer but he did not press on. He waited patiently for Director Fu to answer his second question.