You are death?

Anna was surprised, "What is that?"

Jiang Li explained, "It is a technique that the players have given the creatures finishing move. When a player advances, they come in large numbers and attack by scratching. Because they are many, it is impossible to see anything in front of you every time they attack hence the name."

Anna nodded. She thought the name was quite huge for such an explanation but she did not say this out loud.

She focused on her own game. Now that she had finished training, it was time to let Suo Yue into the battlefield.

She wanted to see the extent of her powers and all that she could do in a short amount of time.

Suo Yue was very quick to her feet since she was still a child. Her skills were also not so bad.

She held her twisted gun above her shoulders and started running. The enemies started to appear one by one.