Miss, you are wrong!

She was very bubbly and her energy was infectious. Anna couldn't help but smile at the woman's warm welcome as she led them to their table.

"Thank you," Anna said gratefully as they settled into their seats. "We're quite hungry after all that shopping."

The server beamed at them, her enthusiasm never wavering. "No problem at all! I'll go grab some menus for you. Would you like any drinks to start?"

Anna glanced at her children, who were eagerly scanning the menu board above the counter. "How about some hot chocolate for the kids and a cappuccino for me?" she suggested.

The server nodded enthusiastically. "Coming right up!" she exclaimed before darting off to retrieve their drinks.

As they waited for their beverages, Anna couldn't help but admire the cozy atmosphere of the cafe. Soft music played in the background, and the scent of freshly baked pastries filled the air, making her stomach rumble in anticipation.