Stop pretending to be so high and mighty!

Anna walked back to her car where she found Jumbo and Mark already waiting for her. She smiled when she saw them.

"How are you guys even here and why are you dressed like that?" she looked them up and down in a dramatic manner while her face was full of wonder.

Mark liked wearing track suits yet he was a pristine black suit today while Jumbo wore anything he found yet his suit was almost the same as Mar's. He had on a very bored expression as he let Mark do all the talking.

"We were nearby on a mission."

Anna quickly understood. She also knew that there was no reason asking them what the mission was since they would never disclose it to her. Their missions were always very private and confidential.

Anna looked at them and remembered what they did for her back then. She had to say her gratitudes, "Thank you guys for saving me back then. I dont know what would have happened if you had not shown up!"